Critical Care
Caring for Horses with Complex Needs
If your horse is sick, hurt, or recovering from surgery, a hospital stay may be necessary to give them their best possible start on the road to recovery.
From the moment your horse is admitted to Great Lakes Equine, our team begins monitoring their health and providing essential medications and treatments. Your horse may need something as simple as overnight boarding to recover from an injury or something as intense as 24-hour monitoring and wound management.
No matter your horse's needs, our team of equine vets, veterinary technicians and assistants have the skills and experience to help, whatever degree of attention they need.

Critical Care Services at Our Hospital
Our equine hospital in Hortonville provides all the critical care and hospitalization services your horse needs. These services include:
- IV fluids, antibiotics and other medications
- 24-hour professional care and monitoring
- Advanced pain management
- Ultrasound, gastroscopy and endoscopy
- Medical management of wounds
- Stall rest with daily monitoring
- Cast application and removal
- Medical sedation for long-term care
How to Know When Your Horse Can Go Home
Regardless of the reason for your horse's hospitalization, their condition must be stabilized before they head home.
That means ensuring that your horse is on the road to recovery and that you have the tools and information you need to provide them with the ongoing care their condition demands.
The veterinarian will examine your horse and run any diagnostic testing required to determine whether they are ready to leave.
When your horse is well enough to go home, you will be provided with detailed instructions for their care and any prescription medications that may be required to keep your horse comfortable while they recover.
Services Available In-Hospital*
Internal Medicine
Non-surgical Colic Care
Critical Care
Surgical Services
Regenerative Therapy
24/7 Emergency Care
*Services are available in our Hortonville hospital by appointment. No appointment required for emergencies.
Rehabilitation Services*
Lameness Exams
Abscess Care & Treatment
Spinal Manipulation Therapy
Regenerative Therapy
*Rehabilitation services are available by appointment and will be performed on your farm.
New Patients Welcome
We are welcoming new patients at Great Lakes Equine. We can't wait to meet you and your horse. Book an appointment today.