Equine Surgery
Surgical Services for Horses in Northeast Wisconsin
Our equine vets understand the importance of using minimally invasive measures whenever possible. Rest assured that we will only recommend surgery when it is in your horse's best interest.
We offer a thorough consultation before surgery begins and exceptional monitoring and care during the procedures and recovery.
Our goal is to provide a seamless process from start to finish while keeping you fully informed throughout.

Surgical Procedures at Great Lakes Equine
Our vets are experienced in performing a number of common elective, non-elective and emergency surgeries, including:
Also known as cutting or gelding, horse castration can help to eliminate unwanted stallion behaviors, helping to make managing your horse easier and improving athletic performance.
Colts that are not castrated may develop behavior issues such as aggression towards humans, fighting with other male horses, attempts to mate with mares and more.
Horses can be gelded at any age, however, the challenge of managing an uncastrated colt will increase as the horse approaches sexual maturity. If castration is delayed until after sexual maturity, many stallion-like behaviors may continue after surgery has been performed.
If you are not planning to breed your stallion, we recommend gelding at a young age.
Ocular Surgery
Ocular surgery may be required to repair cuts to the upper or lower eyelid or to treat conditions. Foreign bodies can also become lodged underneath the eyelid, on the surface of the cornea or within the eye, and need to be surgically removed.
Wound Repair
Wounds occur when living tissue has been cut, broken, burnt, torn, or otherwise damaged.
They must be cleaned, disinfected, and appropriately cared for by a qualified veterinarian as soon as possible.
Services Available In-Hospital*
Internal Medicine
Non-surgical Colic Care
Critical Care
Surgical Services
Regenerative Therapy
24/7 Emergency Care for Our Existing Wellness Clients
*Services are available in our Hortonville hospital by appointment. No appointment required for emergencies but please call ahead.
Rehabilitation Services*
Lameness Exams
Abscess Care & Treatment
Spinal Manipulation Therapy
Regenerative Therapy
*Rehabilitation services are available by appointment and will be performed on your farm.
New Patients Welcome
We are welcoming new patients at Great Lakes Equine. We can't wait to meet you and your horse. Book an appointment today.